Friday, January 2, 2009


Miracles always happen is just that you guys never deemed it to be one.

One of the example is you. Everyone that is alive this day is the living proof that miracle is all around us. There is a percentage in everyday of your life you would die of something be you did not It is just that not everyone deemed it as one.If there is 5% chance of not surviving in a day, the probability of surviving till today ( 18 years) is 4.4 e-147. So the numbers have proven that you are one of the miracles in life. I would say you guys have to treasure this miracle that god gave you. Life is never hopeless , only by believing in life life would be hopeful . Giving up only brings about a bottomless of despair and sorrow.

It is great to treasure each day like a miracle or a rare chances given to you, however this cannot the experience easily maybe through live and death is one of the ways.

Try saying to yourself this before you sleep
"Cool , is a miracle i survive today as this a chance for me to fully utilize tomorrow!!! "
Miracle would be more reachable than they seem.


711 days left to go


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