Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Our Creator Never Abandon Us", From City of Ember

The code is from the movie city of ember , the movie is okay. For those who watched i preferred to look at the city as a small earth in the future.For short the city is going to die off due to the failure of the only power generator therefore they want to get out of the place.

From the movie , lets look at the world from a full scope.

We face environment , economy and war problem. Like what the title suggested "Our Creator Never Abandon Us".Yup , our creator/inventor/starter/founder did not abandon us regardless of which religion. They all gave us something, a Brain , reproduction power , colour , emotions , different frequency , feelings and taste.

These "equipments" help us to survive:

Brain helps us to think and the think that is going to help us survive all the way to the future.I would say water and food is not directly given by them .
The first hungry man figure out to put things into mouth to fill the stomach.
The first pregnant woman led to the finding of reproduction power.
The first person enjoy the sunset or scenario led to colours and art.
The first person fall in love led to emotions.
The first person with weird voice started different frequency which leads to finding of music.
The first person that felt pain led to feelings.
The first picky person started with taste.

To me, the Greatest Inventor of light is not Edison is the guy that invented fire.

Other than the Brain and the reproduction power others i would say is a bonus gift.
All the rest contributed to the standard of living.
People can survive with the same food for their live time.However we prefer to eat different things to lighten our life.
People can survive without sight , however they always hope that they get see one day.
People can survive without feelings of pain, yet they hope that they can feel pain one day.
People can survive without without hear anything in their life time, but they hope one day they could hear their love one say " I love you " to them.

Our creator gave us some many things MAYBE, they hope one day we will exceed them to be the next creator.

This is the age of anything is possible.

Don't ever think when the end of the world will come , try to think about how to push it back with the things given to us.

710 days to ROD


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